All Risk Insurance
This policy is all embracing, providing cover against loss of, damage to or destruction of the insured’s item from any cause not specifically excluded, within the geographical limit stipulated.
Erection All Risk
This insurance provides an ALL RISK protection for the insured on site concerning the contract work itself, the materials for the work, and the tools and implements used to execute the work. It covers erection / construction of mechanical and electrical works e.g. power house or electrification projects, installation of lifts etc.

Plant All Risk
This cover protects the insured’s plants and machinery against external unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause not specifically excluded in the policy.
Contractors All Risk
It protects contractors against unforeseen loss / damage to the contract work being carried out.
Computer All Risk
All risks of physical loss of or damage to computer equipment, mobile phones, V-Sat equipment and related items of every description.